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250 ML Extract liquid rennet lamb

Manufacturer: Cuajos Caporal
Price (VAT not included): 9.11
(Total: 9.11 €)

Extract liquid rennet lamb. Container 250 ml. with dispenser.

Milk clotting enzyme of animal origin 100% ovine origin of the lamb, and Castilian churro breeds Spanish origin.



Chymosin ≥75% - pepsin ≤25%


Sodium chloride: ≤ 20%

Sodium benzoate (E-211): ≤1%


Power coagulant rennet: 75 R.U (Rennet Units)


Wonderful package for small producers. It is a glass dropper premium.


Product compatible with the philosophy of "slow food"


Excellent value: less than € 0.01 per kilogram of cheese


Singular product of limited production


250 milliliters extra lamb rennet used to coagulate 835-1.000 liters of sheep milk, about 168-200 kilograms of cheese.


It is used in the dairy industry to coagulate milk and get various cheeses and dairy products. In those undergoing ripening cheese it is where this extract develops its full potential.

The dosage varies depending on the type of milk used (cow, sheep or goat), its composition, thermal treatments that received the milk, the technology criterion manufacturer of dairy products, etc.

For clotting enzyme ripened cheeses the recommended dose is about 1 milliliter (15-20 drops) for each liter of cow's milk and goat, sheep if the amount is less, so 1 milliliter serve to about 2 pints of milk. Enough to coagulate milk in a time between 30-35 minutes at a temperature between 30-34ºC amount.

These measurements are approximate, they are widespread, each case should be studied in more detail. For that we offer our technical staff.

Liquid rennet extract is obtained by macerating the ruminant animal rennet.

This time the word "extract" is not "solid or thick product obtained by evaporation of a juice or a solution of animal or vegetable substances", as the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy says, but the term legally designated (standard quality and purity BOE-A-1988-1153 dated January 20, 1988) to distinguish the most valued of the rennets: one whose activity due to chymosin is higher.

Today's technology allows for different rich or very rich (100%) chymosin enzyme preparations, without using even the rennet, without having to make a careful selection of them, without devoting effort to manual cleaning for the precious enzyme content they contain. Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology) makes possible but we believe that our handcrafted artisan process as before preserves better the essence of this great product not only in regard to the application of technology but to the preservation of culture.

The extract liquid rennet of lamb "Caporal" is actually the juice of the finest lamb rennet. A product characteristic pleasant smell and amber or caramel, all-natural, which betrays its origin without adding dyes.

The gastronomic conjunctural fondness for lamb and kid in our country has made it possible for us to have an exceptional raw material.

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